Apparently I can only blog once a month now, and that's ok. I am still working full time, dealing with kitchen construction, not sleeping, spring allergies... I am still keeping up with Project 365 (a picture for everyday) which is being printed and added to the album for the year - so the documentation exists, just not the blogging - and I'm fine with that.

Juliana was quite pleased with her Easter bucket (I refuse to buy baskets, when buckets are so useful and much cheaper). She received a book, craft projects, bubble machine and bubbles, littlest pet shop toys, glitter pencils, a little bit of chocolate, and chap stick. Upon finding the chap stick at the bottom of the bucket, she annouced - this is just what I wanted for Easter :)

She looked adorable in her dress and white sweater and we managed to survive Easter this year without a winter coat! She even left the bow in her hair for several hours - usually she is not a fan of hair accessories. And her dress came with a matching dress for her doll Missy Missy Rose (yes, that's 2 Missys). I dropped her off at church with Nonni for the morning.

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