Do you have a toddler/preschooler who is no longer happy to participate in photo shoots, or simply turns away when the camera comes out because she has had her pictures taken thousands of times in her short life? Here's how to fix it - have another baby. Now whenever I am taking pictures of the boys, she comes running - "I want to be in the picture!"
Note: this does not guarantee that she will smile or even look at the camera, especially if The BackYardigans is on TV.
Juliana told Scott about one of her favorite games that they play at school - The Marrying Game. Here is her description of how you play:
1 - Catch a boy 2 - Give him a kiss 3 - Then you are married
Scott was of course appalled that she was trying to kiss a boy and went on to explain that she shouldn't be kissing boys...I was reminded by my own childhood. When my brother was 4 or 5, my friends and I married him to their little sister. We dressed them up and had a complete ceremony in our backyard. I think that there are some Polaroids of the happy couple, I will have to look for those.
We went to Kennywood today - the weather was beautiful and the park was not crowded - short lines for most of the rides. The boys were with us, but their only ride was in the stroller. Juliana went on a few rides in Kiddyland and was bored...she is into the big rides now. The Paratrouper, Kangaroo, and Whip are favorites from last year. Last year she was so excited for a big rollercoaster but did not enjoy the Jack Rabbit. This time she loved it! She wanted to go on a water ride so Scott took her on the Raging Rapids...she did not love that. The best part of the ride was that the water washed the chocolate ice cream out of her hair.
Scott started a new exercise program this week and Juliana is fascinated (let's not focus on the fact that our child is memerized by exercise occuring in our home)...
She has joined Scott for bits and pieces when he has been exercising and she is home. Standing moves are particularly entertaining as she transitions from the correct position to a wild dancing frenzy.
Last week was the final week of preschool for the year. She will be spending the summer at the school's childcare program and back for 4-yr preschool in the fall.
In the last few days, they went on a field trip to the zoo - she was so excited in her purple and pink, ready to go see the animals.
They had a carnival with races after school last Tuesday. And on Wednesday there was an end-of-year program for the parents where the preschool class sang songs, told stories and received a certitifcate.
Friday was the last day of preschool for the year. She loves her teacher Ms Moran and fortunately Ms Moran will be teaching the 4-yr class next year so we will have another year with her.
Juliana has been spending her weekdays at school and we have been doing our best to entertain her during the other times. She is still adjusting to life with the boys in our home, wanting lots of extra attention, etc. Her present from the boys when they were born was a Leapster and it has turned out to be a great idea - some quiet independent play. Juliana loves to help in the kitchen, one evening she made muffins with Nonni. And she enjoys helping me make the formula for Wyatt - she helps put all of the lids on the bottles. She likes holding the boys, but only for a few minutes and then she is done and needs to get up to do something else. She still thinks that she should be able to carry them, so we have to keep reminding her that she needs to sit and hold them. Last week she found a dice game (LCR) and wanted to know how to play. G made up a simple way for the 2 of them to play and it became an instant favorite.