Friday, March 13, 2009

10 Random Photos from the Past Month

1 - Eating birthday cake for Uncle Nick on SuperBowl Sunday

2 - Showing me the butterfly dance that they were doing in music class at school that day

3 - Eating Lik-N-Stik for the first time

4 - Looking at all of her valentines.

5 - Snuggling puppies for the babies while wearing new nightgown I had purchased that day and she insisted on wearing immediately.

6 - Post-nap games

7 - She put 2 of her babies in time-out and then took their picture.

8 - Playing iphone games while we were waiting for lunch at TGI Fridays.

9 - Taking a pretend nap in the babies' crib.

10 - Evening snack before bed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Phone Conversation with Daddy

Juliana, my mom and I were on our way home from Target and Eat-n-Park. Scott called to tell Juliana goodnight since he wasn't going to be home before her bedtime. I handed the phone back to Juliana and this is what I heard on our side of the conversation.

Hi Daddy!

I love you! I love you all the way to the moon and the clouds.

Daddy, where are you?

Are you in South America? oh, are you at Cinderella's castle?

You need to talk louder, are you in the car? Are you driving in front of us? Are you close to us? Can you see me?

When will you be home?

ok, bye Daddy. WAIT...are you still there? Daddy can you still hear me? oh, ok bye.