We made a last minute trip to the bathroom during the pre-game festivites, here was our conversation on the way back to our seats.
Juliana: Hurry, we are going to miss the show.
Juliana: Hurry, we are going to miss the show.
Me: We won't miss the start and it's called a game.
Juliana: Actually Mama, it's called a show
Juliana spent most of the time standing and leaning on the railing in front of our seats. About 3 batters into the game, she asked, "Mama, when is it going to start?" Scott and I laughed and told her this was it. Other than that, she asked lots of questions about the people sitting around us (whether they were boys or girls, where some kids mommy's were, etc.)

We didn't stay for the entire game, but we did stay out well past Juliana's bedtime. She was amazed that it was getting dark and then told Scott that she needed to go home for bed :)