Juliana is tall enough to ride the Jack Rabbit this year. We have been talking about riding on the bit roller coaster for weeks and she was very excited to go on it. She waited in the long line and hopped on the ride with Mommy. We buckled up and down the first hill. She didn't cry, but she seemed a bit alarmed. When we reached the end she said, "Is the Jack Rabbit over? I don't want to ride this again." Apparently it was too bumpy - she prefers the smooth metal coasters over the wooden... Here is her picture leaving the Jack Rabbit.
Only 2 times on the Merry-Go-Round this trip (although she would have happily rode it more).
We spent a very short time in Kiddie Land this year since she was so interested in the big kid rides. She did ride the Spaceship and the Little Whip.
We went to Kennywood on Saturday and Juliana measured in at 39"; over the 36" mark for riding many of the "big kid rides". The first ride of the day was the Paratrooper which Juliana named the "Sugar Puff ride". Scott and Juliana rode on the one of the tan cars the first time. She loved it and was so excited to be on a big kid ride!
Juliana's best friend came over to play last weekend. They had lots of fun playing in the pool and running around outside. This was her official play date and they had lots of fun!
Juliana has only had a few trims of her hair to this point, today was her first major haircut. She was very good while it was being cut - it helped that our next door neighbor was doing it and she cut it at our house (in the front yard since it was nice out - no clean-up!). Her hair is very cute and Juliana likes it and it will be much easier to manage throughout the summer.
We go to a 3rd of July party every year at Aunt Natalae's house. And Juliana always has a festive holiday outfit for the occasion. This year's ensemble included sparkles, tie-die and glitter coated flip flops! She loved the flip flops and refered to them as her July shoes (short for 4th of July). She did well with them until she got running too fast and then we she would run right out of them.
I have been going through all of the winter stuff from previous seasons to put away items that are too small. The bin of gloves and hats was too much for Juliana to resist. She had to add a hat and mismatched gloves.