Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Visiting the Horse Farm

We went to Uncle Nick's house for a short visit. Nonni, Juliana and I drove there during the day on Thursday (after making a stop in Gettysburg along the way). G and Scott drove down later that day. When we arrived at Nick's house, we decided to head to the barn since Aunt Becky was there. Juliana was so excited to see the horses, but she was surpised by how big they were. She was much more interested in running around the farm and playing in the gravel and dirt.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This Morning Before School

I loved her outfit this morning (tried to post this on Wednesday...blogger trouble). The combination of the t-shirt, skirt and socks was adorable. And with the morning sunshine we played outside for a few minutes. After taking the bubble mower for a drive across the lawn she jumped up and down for some pictures.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Little Song

Back in December, Juliana started requesting "The Rainbow Song". Then she would sing - my rainbow, My Rainbow, MY Rainbow, MY RAINBOW...each time loader.

So one night when she asked for the Rainbow Song and I started singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow. She got so excited, gave me a big kiss and said, "I like that song mommy". So we have been singing it with the other night time songs for a few months. And now she also sings all of the night time songs...here is Juliana's version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, aka, The Rainbow Song.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ponytail and random comments

Juliana's hair is getting so long. She usually doesn't want me to pull it up, she prefers to have it down so she can shake it :)

Not sure what we are going to do for the summer, but for now it is long enough to pull back in a ponytail!

A few random Juliana comments and stories:

She loves to open the freezer (we have a lower pull-out freezer so it is very accesible for her) - recently she pulled out the Cool Whip, came running to me and said, "I want pie!"

Last Saturday Juliana and I headed out to run some errands. Conversation along the way

J: This isn't the way to school
M: No, we aren't going to school, we are going shopping
J: Yeah, today isn't a school day, it's a Shopping Day

So her love of shopping continues as long as it includes riding the Merry-Go-Round and the train at the mall.

This conversation took place while she was drawing with Nonni last week.

N: Is that a "J" for Juliana
J: for Juliana and Mommy (Jennifer) and Grandma Julie
N: What about Jack and Justin (friends at school)?
J: No, "J" is just for girls