We started Easter Day with 8:00 am church. While I was getting everything ready to go, I put Little Einsteins on to keep her occupied and snapped this picture of Juliana sitting calmly all ready for church.
After service we visited with friends and Juliana enjoyed a cupcake. She also showed us how to hop like a bunny.

When we got home she worked on her new Princess Jasmine puzzle with Daddy.

Then I tried to get a nice picture of Juliana in her Easter dress.
She got an Easter bucket from Mommy and Daddy with paint, paint brushes, band-aids, play-doh, and a few treats. I love the picture of her sitting with her legs crossed and her shoes picking out from her dress.

After lots of playtime, Juliana finally took a nap. Then we had Easter dinner at our house with Scott's parents, my parents and Aunt Nancy. Yummy dinner and desert, Juliana spent most of the dinner running around the living room. She was still so wound up after dinner that we sent her outside with G to run around before her bath and bedtime.