It's taken quite a while for me to post about Christmas...but here it is.
The Saturday before Christmas, Juliana woke up with a cough and sore throat and she was sick for the remainder of the holidays.
Saturday night, my parents and Nick and Becky came for dinner. And then Sunday night was the traditional meatloaf night at my parent's house. After dinner Juliana opened a few presents since she had so many to open.
Christmas Eve day Juliana woke up early in the morning coughing and crying starting a very long day. We went to my parent's house just past noon. Juliana took a brief nap but mostly was only interested in being held by me. We had yummy turkey dinner and then opened presents. Juliana opened a few, but then got tired of the whole process - it was too much for her in her tired condition. We left a stack of presents under the tree for her to open later in the week.