We purchased a nite-lite called the good night lite. It is a behavioral tool that shows a moon during the sleeping hours and turns to a sun when the set wake-up time is reached to signify that it is ok to get out of bed. So far it seems to be working well. The first morning (Saturday) she told me that the moon was on for so long; by today she didn't get out of bed until 15 minutes after the sun came on. So far so good.
And the bed...purchased by Nonni and G...not just any bed - it's an elaborate princess bed. It came with components to raise it to loft height so there will be a play area/desk space below at some point. And there is also a slide that can be added...eventually. Once it is at loft height, there is a turret that can be added as well. Here are some pictures from last Friday when it arrived.