Juliana seemed very tired for her nap yesterday, but once she was in crib she didn't go to sleep. We went up several times to calm her down and she would lie down and we would think that she was going to sleep. Scott and I were watching the Steelers game when we heard a loud thud from Juliana's room. I knew instantly that she has fallen (climbed, jumped, etc.) from her crib.
We ran upstairs and found her on the floor crying. She quickly developed a bump on her forehead and the right side of her face was red. Once she calmed down from the scare, she was fine. she never did nap.
Since we don't feel that she is ready to move from the crib to a bed yet, we decided to get a crib tent and installed that last night before bed. She liked the idea of it - she called it a rainbow - the arched shape and since the "color" of the month for August at daycare was rainbow she liked that.
However, this morning when she realized that she was trapped and unable to throw her blanket, teddy bear, etc. out of her crib, she was not so happy. She wanted the tent "OPEN" as soon as I walked in her room.