Friday, August 24, 2007

Shopping Purse

Juliana went running into her play-yard and came out with this old purse that I had given to her to play with. She put it on her shoulder and announced - 'uliana Shoppin'. Every since then she occasionally asks where her shoppin' purse is and runs off to find it. And then adds some small toys to the purse and carries it around the house.

She is getting better at pronouncing her name - it was just Ana for a while and then Liana, now just the "J" is missing from the beginning.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saturday Morning at the Zoo

Saturday was such a beautiful day - sunshine and clear skies. We headed to the zoo first thing in the morning before the crowds - and it was worth it. We were able to see the animals from the best viewing areas and even the most popular areas were not crowded.

She liked the lions, but was disappointed when she found out that this was as close as she could get - she wanted to play with them.

She enjoyed running along the glass as the penguins were swimming back and forth. We made a stop in the playground and then she rode the cars.

Of course, if you ask Juliana what animal she saw at the zoo, she will tell you about the horse - the one that she rode on the carousel...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Nonni's Shoes

It's not just mommy's shoes that Juliana likes to wear - she is eager to remove her shoes if she finds a pair that someone else removed or sees another pair of her shoes.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Stacking Rings

The final installment in the stacking series...when you are done stacking, you should end with a celebratory "TA-DA!!"

Stacking Bananas

The stacking fun continues - and playing with food is sooo entertaining. It also looks like she is stacking poker chips :)

Stacking Bowls

For a while I was worried because Juliana had zero interest in any sort of stacking - blocks, etc. - and this is a major developmental milestone - one of the few where she was behind the curve instead of ahead.

Suddenly she loves stacking - everything is now sorted and stacked. In this case, she was playing with bowls which remains one of her favorite toys... she sorted them by color and then stacked them, knocked them down and started the whole process again.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Kennywood - Riding the Whip

Juliana had so much fun on the rides at Kennywood! On the whip, she rode with a friend that she met in line. Every time that she went around she laughed and laughed.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


At the beginning of the summer, I decided that we didn't need a sandbox this year - after all Juliana already has so much stuff... We quickly learned that playing in the sand was her favorite activity at daycare, so much so that she would cry and refuse to leave if she was playing in the sand when it was time to go home.

So my parents decided that she needed a sandbox and she loves it of course. We have had it since the beginning of July. Here are some pictures of her first time playing in it and more from later in the month.