On June 1st we drove to Erie for a wedding. It was Juliana's first overnight stay away from home. We drove up during the afternoon on Friday - Juliana napped some of the way and played with some new car toys the rest of the trip. We checked into the hotel - my parents arrived a few minutes before us so they helped unpack the Jeep. We decided that Juliana would sleep in their room that night and set up her pack-and-play for later.
We went to my Grandmother's house for a short visit and then back to the hotel. We were staying near the mall, so we went for a walk and then fed Juliana her dinner at the hotel. We went through the bedtime routine including bathtime and then put her in her sleepsack and the pack-and-play and she went right to sleep - such a good little sleeper!
Saturday we were all up bright and early. Mom and I took Juliana over to Grandma's house for another visit and then a trip to the mall where we bought her Happy Meal. Then it was back to the hotel to get ready for the wedding. We all drove separately and Juliana was so sleepy that we drove around for a while so she could get a 20-min nap.

Once inside we sat in the back while the rest of the family went to the front of the church. Juliana was waving and calling "Nonni" when she spotted them. Soon after the ceremony started, Scott had to take her out of the church because she was being so loud.
After the ceremony, there was a receiving line outside and everyone had bubbles - Juliana had a great time trying to catch the bubbles.

There was a break between the wedding and reception, so we took a drive to the Lake, stopped for Gelato (so yummy!) and then went to the cemetary.